It has been a while since I have been able to do a Kristina color challenge. But I locked myself in my craft room (and my kids and husband out) and got this one done in the nick of time. As most of you know I am WAY behind on my scrapbooks, so I have been doing pages for these challanges instead of cards. This is my oldest daughter Brittanie, and she just turned 13. AAAGGGHHH a teenager! So I wanted to do a page that highlighted her personality. So for the names of the colors we were suppose to use head over HERE. I am leaving to go see a movie with my hubby so thanks for looking. I hope you enjoy!
P.S. leave me a comment :)
P.P.S. Don't you just love these flowers? I made them myself!! Here is the link to learn how.
love the flowers. Great page!
Thanks for the link! Great page and the flowers
really give it a wonderful touch!
Hi Joni,
Bet you will never guess who this is!!! Your cousin Tori! My mom gave me your blog address. Way cute stuff. You are so talented. Hope you don't mind me stopping by.
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